Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament

…is math competition for high school students organized by students at Harvard and MIT each winter, with two tournaments, the February Tournament and the November Tournament.

Competition Information

  • Individual Round

    The Individual Round consists of three subject tests in Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics. Each subject test consists of 10 questions and is 50 minutes in length.

  • Team Round

    In the Team Round, 6-8 person teams compete together on a 60 minute test. The problems are weighted according to difficulty, adding up together to 400 points. The round is targeted at teams comfortable writing rigorous proofs.

  • Guts Round

    The Guts Round is an 80 minute team event with 36 short answer questions on an assortment of subjects, of varying difficulty and point values. Each team is seated in a predetermined spot, and the questions are divided into groups of four. At the starting signal, each team sends a runner to an assigned problem station to pick up copies of the first set of three/four problems for each team member. As soon as a team has answers for one problem set, the runner may bring the answers to the problem station and pick up the next set. It is not expected that students will finish all the problems. Grading is immediate and scores are posted in real time, resulting in an exciting atmosphere for the competitors. The Guts round is worth a total of approximately 400 points.

  • Special Event: Integration Bee

    A hypothetical integration competition held as part of HMMT, where participants would be challenged to solve complex calculus integrals against the clock both quickly and accurately; essentially, it's a fun, fast-paced event within the larger HMMT competition that tests students' integration skills.

  • Other Events

    Many other minigames are held, such as Estimathon and Karaoke.


The contest takes place alternatively at either Harvard University or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology each tournament.


AMC10/12 + AIME


Math League